#DevDay is for those on the modernization journey. And this year there is no travel required.
Proudly developer-focused, our agenda is for enterprises with the vision to transform their COBOL- and mainframe-based host applications without upheaval. That means digital transformation, and for 2020 that applies to #DevDay itself.
This year #DevDay is fully digital with everything online. A virtual event, but with real benefits. Because we have geared our agenda towards tackling your IT and industry challenges with key insights, innovative live technical demonstrations, and the best technical experts out there, all from wherever you are.

#DevDay US East
Agenda (ON-DEMAND):
  • Discover Micro Focus / Application Modernization: Transform core business systems
  • Process Modernization: Deliver better applications faster
  • Infrastructure Modernization: Deploy to new platforms and architectures
  • Ask the Experts

What will I learn?
Highlights of Virtual #DevDay include:
  • The Micro Focus application modernization strategy
  • Visual COBOL 6.0 and Enterprise 6.0 demos and content
  • Developer led sessions with tech tips and best practices
  • Our ever popular "Ask the Experts" discussion panel with your peers
  • Scheduled 1:1 meetings with Micro Focus speakers and executives upon request

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